Tag Archives: 90 days

The beginning of something..

Lets just start by saying I am not perfect; the purpose of this blog is to mostly hold myself more accountable to my goals of A) staying truly paleo and B) doing that on a shoestring budget. Apparently the fact that I feel better when I eat like this and lose weight (gasp!) wasn’t enough for me. So here I am telling the world what I eat everyday to make sure I am not cheating. Food is my weakness but, it is also my strength, for I know it is something I can control in my life. To start I would like to post this image as a guideline of what I follow.
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I think that image about sums it up. Since I am also a college student I will be attempting to do this for two people on $60 a week. A little more than a SAD diet might cost but, I am going for health in the long haul here. I foresee a lot of crock pot meals these next few weeks.


Some rules:

1) I will only buy free range, hormone free or organic meat. I will always get what I can afford in my budget for the week, sometimes that may mean skipping; others I maybe able to go full organic.  (I may not be able to afford grass fed but, as a paleo I feel this is what I have to promise)

2) I will buy as much organic produce as my budget allows.

3) While “cutting carbs” seems so Atkins, I will be loosely counting my carbs to not be tempted by too much fruit or grains.

4) I will follow the primal diet of no dairy, refined sweets, no grains (gluten included) with an emphasis on vegetables and protein.

5) I will try to maintain and perfect this in 90 days of recording everyday my meals and every week my grocery bills.


I know this is a lot to swallow but, some of us (me!) need structure and a challenge to really make it stick. I only really need to lose a few pounds, so that is not my end all goal here. My goal is to feel better and become healthier. Anyone is also welcome to participate in my challenge, if they would like or you are welcome to create your own personal challenges to follow with mine. I will happily link blogs that are doing similar challenges. I will start tomorrow by trying to use only groceries in the house to feed us until next week (for us starts Wednesday, which I will explain why later) and logging all meals with lose nutritional information.


Wish me luck,
